You Have the Mind of Christ!

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

Romans 12:2 

Download our Mind of Christ Prayer Guide Below Today:

Keep Your Mind on What God Says!

The Bible says that is we are truly followers of Christ, we need to act, talk, and think like Him. "What would Jesus do" is a common phrase we use to remind us how to be like Jesus in everyday situations. But what about our thoughts?

Our thoughts can get us into a lot of trouble, because our thoughts have power just like our words. What we think about can become an action in reality that we may have no control over. Keeping our mind on heavenly things (on things above) keeps us from thinking carnally---or worldy/sinful---thoughts.

Pay attention to what you think and daydream about. Don't make your problems bigger than God's Promises. Keep your focus on God and godly things. Think of yourself the way that God does. Spend time in His Word, declaring His Word, and meditating on the Word to better train yourself to, in plain terms, think like God. 

Renew the Spirit of Your Mind Today!

Click the box below and enter some information to access our Grace of God prayer guide with scriptures. Pray these scriptures over yourself and ask for God to give you the Mind of Christ. This is an everyday prayer activity that keeps your thoughts under control and fixed upon the Kingdom of God.