Healing doesn't come in time...Only God can heal.

People may believe that time heals all wounds. This is not the case for sexual assult victims. This is not uncommon and if you were abused or are being abused, you need to know that you're not alone. Many people fall into the traps of sexual assults and ongoing abuse. You should never keep it secret and you cannot be free from the pain without the healing touch of Jesus. 

God's love can remove a multitude of pain, guilt, shame and sins. If you were molested or raped at a young age, it may have affected you into your adult years. No more! Be set free in Jesus name by downloading the powerful prayer tool by clicking the button above or below today.

Frank Meadows-

Author and Founder of the Meadows Healing Prayer Center is a licensed clinical health professional and he provided the downloadable prayer guide below. Download the free tool and discover your path to complete inner healing in Christ today.

You're Not Alone. 

Click Below to Download Guide: