
What are the Promises of God?

God gave us many promises in His word with which to wage a good warfare. When the enemy whispers his lies to us, we can use these promises to defeat him and gain the victory. This is why the word of God is called the sword of the spirit. We defeat spiritual attacks by using the word to dismantle lies and disarm our enemy.

God’s word to us is yes and amen. Psalm 89:34 tells us that God will not break covenant with us nor take back one word that He has said. No matter what we see with our eyes, His word is final. His word is truth. If we stand in faith believing that His word is true, we become steadfast and unshakable. Ephesians 6:13 tells us that when we put on the full armor of God which includes the sword of the spirit, we will be able to stand our ground, and keep standing. When we submit to God and resist the enemy, eventually he will flee from us, according to James 4:7. The promises of God are a powerful weapon.

Declaring the word of God can cause situations to change and align with God’s will. God spoke the world into existence by His words. We too can change and create by declaring His word in faith. His words are full of creative power!

Begin to declare these powerful promises and stand, knowing God’s word will not return void, but it will accomplish what He sent it to do. 

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