

By Keiko Shinn | Rediscovering Prayer

I will go before you
   and will level the mountains;
I will break down gates of bronze
   and cut through bars of iron.
I will give you hidden treasures,
   riches stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the Lord,
   the God of Israel, who summons you by name. Is. 45: 2-3

When I receive the privilege to pray for others, faith rises because when I pray, God comes and life happens. I see and experience the wonder-working power of God move by transforming stony hearts, comforting hurting souls, healing physical ailments, and bringing His holistic salvation to bodies, minds, and hearts. But when I turn my attention toward myself and my family, doubt creeps in and tells me: Will God really do what He said? Will He do for me what He does for the multitudes? I truly believe doubt places a wedge in our relationship with God because it paralyzes our ability to tune into the voice of God for daily living and in times of trial and testing.

The reality that is found beyond the lurking doubts is that the treasure of God’s heart is found in each of His children. He yearns to draw out its richness from you so all can plainly see it. This treasure is meant to be released for a broken world to experience. For the gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, is to shine unto all people.

The treasure sent to mankind is a living gift coming from the Father who is the eternal life, the unfailing love, and the wisdom of Jesus taking residence in our hearts. When Jesus is our treasure, life’s twists and turns will supernaturally manifest deliberate purposes to grow us and transform us. We can then confidently acknowledge, every good and perfect gift comes from our Father.

Therefore, let us not neglect to daily receive the benefits of His eternal gift of life due to unbelief in times of trials and testing. In times of uncertainty, where emotional wavering and spiritual attacks are evident, we are vulnerable to discredit God’s love for us. But this is our moment to contend for God to come and expect His faithfulness, the warmth of His presence, and His goodness to break forth like never before.

Let us not allow our hearts to wander away from the treasure found in the knowledge and wisdom of Jesus that springs forth what we need, when we need it. He takes from your dark times to draw out the light of the revelation of His redemption, His power to heal, and to restore by reigning over your circumstances. He did not call you by name just to leave you stifled, empty, and broken like potsherds. You are the chosen clay in the palm of Potter’s hand. By His Spirit and Word, He molds you and develops your character to withstand every challenge and obstacle you face. Rest in the one who goes before you and fights the battles for you.

Your purpose is found in Jesus.Every season of your life is meant to be under the care of the One who pursues you in love and truth. He seeks to make us strong so our faith would be meaningful to someone else. Transformation takes time. Patient endurance is more than a virtue, it’s a character attribute of our heavenly Father bestowed upon His children that we may attain strength for our souls in Jesus. Steadfastness in Christ is essential for our discovery into who we are as children of God. Remain steadfast in prayer and speak out what you believe. Decree the Word of God over your life so that through your endurance you may gain life.

The greatest treasure has been planted in our hearts to manifest the divine power of Jesus Christ to give us everything we need for life and godliness in Him. Light shines out of darkness, so let us rejoice in times of trials because we know God’s promises cannot be revoked for what He speaks is the fullness of integrity and truth. In the Lord alone is deliverance and strength for every faith battle. Ask God to show up and He will. He will break off every hinderance and every high place to set you free for nothing can separate you from the love of Christ. Receive a steadfast spirit today and declare that Jesus will forever be the treasure of your heart just as you are His.

Prayer: Lord, forgive my unbelief. May my trust for you come from the One who calls me His. Jesus, I believe your love is for me each and every day, even in times of trials and in the waiting, I declare you to be faithful. Your grace goes before me to make my path straight before me. In you I find my rest because you establish my present and future in a fortified hope and in unfailing love. I holdfast to Word for all your promises are yes and amen in You!

Additional verses: 2 Cor. 4:6-9; 2 Cor. 4:4; John 1:1-4; 14; Jas. 1:17; Co. 2:3; Is. 45; Ex. 14:14; Lk. 21:19; Ro. 5:4; Jas. 1:12; Jas. 1:3-4; 2 Cor. 4:13; 2 Pe. 1:3; 2 Cor. 1:20; Ro. 8:38-39

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