
Covenant Love

Keiko Chibana-Shinn | Rediscovering Prayer

“Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ” – Ro. 8: 39

Creation itself is waiting to see and experience the glory of the children of God. It’s almost like creation is our audience just waiting at the edge of its seat. Creation is found immersed in the crux of the story line’s plot, patiently waiting for the hero of the show to gain the victory like any good story.

Creation itself is awaiting for the children of God to take their rightful place in His kingdom. As the prolific writer on Sabbath living stresses:

“Even the earth is bubbling with the presence of God. It teems, swims, gurgles, and cries out ‘holy, holy, holy’ — without speaking a word” – Dan Allender, Sabbath.

To think that creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time in its desperate cry for redemption, reconciliation, and restoration of all things, how much more us, the children of God who carry the Spirit of God? We are called to take steps of faith with the inspiration we draw from covenant love for the sake of our families, our communities, and for the healing of the nations through the power of Christ living in us. God has already paved the way for us that we may draw from the well of everlasting life and attest that we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

Covenant love affirms to us daily– that even in the midst of heartbreak, disillusionment, and in the waiting for breakthrough in our marriages, families, ministries, and careers, God is fully committed to us. He is the true lover of our souls and our faithful husband. God has justified the course of our lives–  past, present, and future. We can rest in the way of peace because of the love we continually discover in our union with God. Covenant love is a “divine alliance” forged by the bond of eternal love. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that for those who loveGod all things work together for the good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Be faithful to God, love Him back, and believe Him to be true to His Word.

God is all in with us. He is the hero of our life story. He is faithful to the end because Jesus already won the war for us and for all eternity. Step into the joy of His covenant love. His ways are be better than our ways and His thoughts of us higher than our own.

I encourage you to ask God to open the eyes of your heart. Ask the Holy Spirit to come and intercede for you as you pray. He will reveal the purpose of His covenant love that speaks to the things pertinent to your life, to your goals, and to your dreams. His Spirit will draw you ever closer to the One who loves you with an unfailing love. His promise is to be faithful to you, to never leave you, nor forsake you as you trust him with your life. This is covenant love.

Additional verses: Ro. 8:19, Ro. 8:22, Ro. 8:37, Ro. 8:30, Ro. 8:27, Is. 55:8, Duet. 31:6, Is. 54:5

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