
What Does God Think of Me?

God knows everything about us…every detail of our lives. He formed every part of us and planned every day of our lives before we were born.

You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. (Psalm 139:116)

God thinks about us all the time. In fact, His thoughts concerning us outnumber the grains of sand. The One and only true God is interested in you and me. Psalm 139 says that He knows when we sit down and stand up. He knows what we’re thinking. He sees us when we go from place to place and when we’re relaxing at home. He even knows what we’re going to say, even before we do. He is there with us as we go throughout our day; as we prepare meals, work in the garden, go to work, to the market, spend time with our families and when we’re alone.

For some of us, the idea that the Creator loves us and is interested in every part of our lives is hard to imagine. For some of us, there is no one on earth who really cares about us or is interested in what we do. Some of us have no loving relationships on this earth.

Who is this great God, then, who loves us so much and is interested in what we do? Who is this God who desires a relationship with us? How can I know Him?

We can only know Him, if we can live in close relationship with him. But we cannot since there is a vast separation between Him and us. God is holy and perfect but we are sinful and therefore, are separated from Him. When we are separated from Him we cannot know Him. This separation must be removed in order that we can know Him and be in close relationship forever with Him. It sounds like an impossible situation, but with God, everything is possible. And in fact, He does the work to make this possible.

God had a plan from the beginning. He sent His Son, Jesus, to earth in human form. Jesus lived a sinless life on this earth, but chose to sacrifice His own life for our sins on the cross, so that we could live in close relationship forever with God, the Father. He took our place as the sacrifice for sin. Jesus is the only way to overcome the separation between a perfect God and us.

The Bible says, in John 3:16, that God so loved the world that He gave us His only son, that who ever believes in Him will have everlasting life. I urge you to believe that Jesus is God’s Son and that He died on the cross for your sins. Ask Him to forgive you and cleanse you from sin. Thank Him for saving you from your sin. You will experience a life on earth filled with peace and joy and have assurance that you will live abundantly forever with Him. God wants a relationship with you and wants you to be with Him forever. God loves you and is interested in all you do.

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