
When You Love Someone

When you have a loving relationship with someone, you want to spend time with that person. You desire to know everything this person thinks and feels.  You ask questions and you listen.  You look forward to being together…..just the two of you.  You miss this person when you are unable to meet, and eagerly look forward to the next opportunity.

It’s the same in your relationship with Jesus. Once you begin a loving relationship with Him, you want to know everything about Him.  You look forward to your time together and desire to know what He thinks and feels. You ask questions and you listen.  You can’t wait to spend time with Him and you miss Him when you can’t.

Jesus said to His followers, “Come away with Me, by yourselves.” (Mark 6:31) God desires for you to find a place and time to be alone with Him.  During these quiet times, you have an opportunity to get to know Him.

Make it a priority each day to spend time with Him.  Use this time to read God’s Word and talk with Him. If you are a new Believer, a  good place to begin reading is in the book of John, located in the New Testament of the Bible.  John, one of Jesus’ disciples, traveled with Jesus and knew Him personally.  John records first-hand accounts of his time with Christ. In the book of John , you will glimpse the amazing love of God, who sent His Son to save us through His death on the cross.  Every chapter proves that Christ is God’s Son, and through His life, the character of God is revealed.  Jesus is God, in human form, and He shows us how to live a life that is pleasing to the Father.

Many things in life could disrupt your time to be together. Be determined to protect this time.  Plan ahead.  Put the time on your calendar.  As you sit down to spend time in God’s Word, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s truths.  Ask questions and listen.  Ask God to give you spiritual wisdom and insight to grow in your knowledge of Him. (Ephesians 1:17)  He will meet you during these times and teach you. Your relationship with Him will deepen and grow. You will look forward, more and more, to this special time together.

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