Rejection is a spirit or feeling that almost everyone has been affected by in their lives. It is a predictable and common tactic of the devil to use this spirit to undermine and assault people to cause them to limp through life with a skewed perspective, believing that they don’t belong. Rejection causes us to have low self-esteem and self-worth.
Even King David, one of the Bible’s greatest men struggled with rejection. There were many opportunities in his youth that gave the enemy entrance into his thoughts. David’ older brothers mocked him and seemed to view him as insignificant. His father Jesse also seemed to reflect this belief about David. He didn’t even call David when Samuel asked to see all of his sons (1 Samuel 16:1-13). The Psalms are filled with David’s struggles and his desire to connect with God.
Because we live in a fallen world with imperfect people, we will all have opportunities to believe lies. Perfectionistic, demanding parents may unknowingly communicate a wrong message. Trauma from sexual abuse or attacks will cause us to believe lies.
Like David, we can be free of rejection and insecurities. God’s plan for us is always redemptive, knowing that our adversary is always on the prowl. God desires that we walk in the fullness of sonship, believing that we belong to the family of God, and that He is a very present Father. When we have revelation of sonship instead of an orphan spirit, we will begin to not only survive, but thrive.
How do we go from rejected to belonging?
First, we must recognize that because the enemy comes many times when we are children, we grow up with wrong thoughts that become a mental stronghold. Thoughts are processed through this stronghold give even more credence to our wrong belief. We need to seek revelation by the power of Holy Spirit to identify these strongholds. Once we realize how a belief system has been operating, we need to seek God and His word to dismantle it. Holy Spirit can reveal truth in the darkness and bring freedom. Believing and applying God’s work can help us rebuild our thoughts into healthy mindsets. Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” As we think and meditate on God’s truth, we will begin to walk in freedom.