Fruits of the Spirit In-depth Study and Application “Faithfulness”

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” ~Galatians 5:22-23

Faithfulness is synonymous with loyalty, dedication, and commitment. Oxford defines being faithful as being constant, steadfast, and true. It reassures us of God’s promises and consistent presence in our lives. The prophet Jeremiah declares God’s faithfulness is great in Lamentations 3:31-23 (English Standard Version) for His steadfast love that never ceases and His mercies that never come to an end but are new every morning. 

Also, numerous times throughout the books of Psalm and proverbs, God’s faithfulness is praised in regards to His steadfast love. Thus, revealing our ability to trust God’s plans for us. Great is His Faithfulness! 

The Hebrew word for faithfulness “Emunah” appears 49 times in the Old Testament. It implies firmness, steadiness, fidelity, and continuous support. The New testament application of faithfulness has a slightly different application. In the Old Testament Hebrew, faithfulness is descriptive of God’s character. 

The New Testament Greek application speaks of our response to God’s surety. The Greek word “pistis,” refers to standing firm, being fully persuaded or completely sure. Think of it as being completely full of faith. The fruit of faithfulness is the ability to be sure of and stand firm on God’s sureness. What does this look like?

The root of your fruit is your faith. Where is your faith and trust? What and who are you choosing to believe? When you apply your trusting and believing to Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit which is living water according to John 7:38, strengthens and affirms your grip. You begin to take on God’s consistent nature. Psalm 1 says that you become like a healthy fruitful tree planted by the rivers whose leaves do not wither. Yes, faithfulness helps you to stand firm in commitment until your faithfulness produces results.

Have you been lacking faithfulness? Have you been lacking stability and consistency? It starts with making one decision and choosing that decision over and over again. Choose Jesus, sink your roots deep in His Holy scriptures. And watch the Fruit of the Spirit be abundant in your life!

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