Fruits of the Spirit In-depth Study and Application “Gentleness & Meekness”


“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” ~Galatians 5:22-23

When one thinks of gentleness, typically the implication is that something is soft or light. Gentleness is thought of as a nurturing or caring quality such as a mother to her baby. It can be synonymous with humility. Some would erroneously consider a person with a gentle personality as not strong, unable to handle pressure, or weak. However, I want you to consider another facet. One Greek word study describes meekness as displaying the right blend of force and reserve. Meekness avoids unnecessary harshness without compromising or being slow to use necessary force.

Meekness most simply be understood as skillfully exercising the strength of gentleness. Such is visible in Jesus Christ. He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah and yet He sacrificed himself as a meek and humble lamb. Jesus habitually turned over money changing tables and drove merchants out of the temple and likewise beckoned the disciples to let the children come to Him. Christ is the fulfillment of the Law and yet He told the woman caught in adultery, “I don’t condemn you, go and sin no more.” Jesus is the perfect example of gentleness and meekness. He had the authority and the right to punish mankind, but His love for us made Him our gentle redeemer.

When the Holy Spirit works in us, God’s love and compassion moves us to operate in meekness and gentleness. We are not just sensitive to the negatives or hurtful tendencies in others, we are sensitive to their needs. The Holy Spirit doesn’t make us foolish, careless, or gullible. Instead, the Holy Spirit makes us compassionate for the sufferings of the person next to us. Imagine the rough and tough kid who seems to always act out in school. Naturally, the child’s bad behavior gives a bad taste, but the fruit of the spirit should make us intuitive to see the child’s needs. Rather than writing a person off or passing judgement, gentleness and meekness causes us to produce the redemptive power of Christ in others.

Is God prompting you to be more gentle?  Is God highlighting someone who needs your kindness? Maybe you feel like you need more wisdom to exercise meekness. God want to produce that fruit in you.

Let’s pray!

Father God in Heaven, You are holy and righteous. I reverence your sovereignty and I am so grateful for your sensitivity to my needs. Thank you Lord for being my strong deliverer and my healer. I ask you this day to produce Your gentleness and meekness to the world through me. Let your wisdom lead me to those who need your gentle touch as I completely surrender to your work in me. I ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN!

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