Fruits of the Spirit In-depth Study and Application “Temperance & Self Control”


“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” ~Galatians 5:22-23

Have you ever felt like you were over-indulging in something? Have you ever felt like you went too far in a situation? Maybe you looked back and thought, “Wow, I have really overdone it.” This is where a born-again child of God exercises temperance or self-control. Rather than over-indulging, you tell your appetite, enough is enough. Instead of pressing a matter or fighting to win the argument, you put on your brakes and say, “this is as far as I can go!”  Even better, you can curb your ambition enough to allow God’s will to take the driver seat. 

Temperance is an understanding of your limits and capabilities. Temperance knows your boundaries and sees that there are consequences, reactions, and side effects to your words, actions, and even the lack thereof. Hence, why it is so crucial to our lives. Can you imagine being outside in an ice-cold winter wanting to feel warmth so bad that you would literally jump into a fire? This sounds extreme, but without temperance, that is a probable action leading to the undesirable consequence of being burned. 

The Greek word for Temperance translates to self-control or mastering one’s self. Through the Holy Spirit, temperance positions the individual to establish dominion in his or her own life. In other words, we become aware of the power, authority, and wealth we have, and we operate from a position of longevity versus living for a moment or sensation. This is a byproduct of being truly connected to Christ, the True Vine. God gives you the ability to genuinely enjoy without the need to over-indulge or become gluttonous. 

Let’s pray!Father, in the name of Jesus I thank You for Your Holy Spirit giving me temperance and self-control. I repent for moving beyond Your will to unsuccessfully satisfy my own desires. I ask You to purge me of every ungodly craving and teach me to desire Your best that You have properly portioned for me. Establish dominion in my life for Your glory. I give You praise and I thank You for already answering in Jesus name, AMEN!

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