Jesus Sets Us Completely Free
Many of us have experienced traumatic events as early as childhood. These events can dig roots into our mental core and keep us in a faulty thinking pattern for the rest of our lives. They become strongholds, and these strongholds can only be shattered by God's truth. The way to tell that you are living with strongholds is if you are carrying any of these behaviors: depression, lack of self-worth, rebellion, sadness, addictions to drugs or alcohol, eating disorders, anxiety, aggression, anger, lack of emotions, spacing out often, suicidal, and more.
Important Steps to Freedom
1. Acknowledge the problem
The "problem is not the problem; denial of the problem is the problem." We need to acknowledge that something is not going right in our lives. Usually this is shown through irrational behavior.
2. Look to Jesus as your hope
We need to realize that our freedom can only come through Jesus. His sacrifice sets us completely free from curses, sin, demonic oppression, and mental strongholds.
3. Surrender everything to Jesus
You have to bring every hurt, worry, care, burden, and sin to the feet of Jesus. Lay everything down because it is no longer yours to carry. Feel the weight being lifted off of our shoulders.
4. Receive Freedom
Now that you have laid everything at Jesus' feet, ask Him to cleanse you with His blood and receive His truth, love, joy, and freedom in Christ.
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