Freedom from Guilt and Shame
Let Go of Guilt & Shame
Are you feeling dirty or holding onto past regrets? You do not need to anymore. Holding onto your past is toxic for your soul. God promises to forgive our sins and remember them no more; that's exactly what you need to do. Ask the Lord for forgiveness, for cleansing, and to live with no more shame and guilt.
Leave the Past in the Past
It is not always easy, but with God's help, you can be set free. Release your past hurts, shame, and guilt to the Lord as you pray. You can even write them all down and then dispose of them---whatever the Holy Spirit leads you to do, but simply release it all to God.
Are You Ready to Be Set Free?
Download the resource below to access our prayer guide with scriptures to help you break free from the bonds of guilt and shame.
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