Stand On Who God Says You Are!
Insecurity has plagued the hearts of countless individuals, especially in today's society. Many people do not know who they are in Christ, because they have not fully experienced God's love for them. People are finding their identity in material things and titles, rather than on who God says they are. Who do you say you are? Do you find comfort and security behind your job title, your possessions, or trying to be and act like someone you're not? God doesn't want you to be anyone but you. You were made to stand out and make a difference as yourself!
The enemy wants to keep you from fulfilling your destiny in Christ. He will try to use any means to distract you by making you feel like you are not enough. You are worth dying for, and Jesus already did that for you at the Cross.
Are you ready to be set free from insecurities today?
Experiencing God's love and knowing His Word takes insecurity out of your life and gives you identity, boldness, and courage in Christ.
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