God wants to heal you!
God loves you so much; He wants to see you healed. God is not out to punish you. Sometimes our ailments and spiritual battles are used in the end for His glory. Focus your eyes on Jehovah Rapha, God the Healer, today!By His stripes you are healed of:Physical Disease (Lupus, Arthritis, Psoriasis, Eczema)Pain (Sciatica, Muscular, Skeletal, other nervous system pains)Emotional Hurt (Broken-heart)ParalysisSickness (Diabetes, Respiratory, Cardiac, GI Tract inflammations)Chronic Medical Condition (AIDS, HIV, Terminal Cancers)Injury (Broken bones, torn ligaments, ruptured disks)Psychological Torment (Insecurities, Depression, negative thinking, etc.)And So Much More!
Call on Jesus and receive your healing!
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