Let God be Your Defender – June 27

Today’s devotional is on Job 42:1-6 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.
Today’s devotional is on Job 42:1-6 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.
Today’s devotional is on Nehemiah 9:22-27 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.
Today’s devotional is on Nehemiah 9:16-21 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.
Today’s devotional is on 2 Chronicles 6:40-42 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.
Today’s devotional is on 2 Chronicles 6:24-31 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.
Forgiveness is Our Greatest Need from God – June 5 Read More »
Today’s devotional is on 2 Kings 19:17-19 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.
Today’s devotional is on 2 Samuel 7: 18-24 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.
Read: Judges 6:1-16 Anyone who’s struggled with fear and anxiety understands the difficulty of overcoming these emotions. Gideon was a man who experienced great apprehension because he lived when Israel was being oppressed by the Midianites as a result of their rebellion against God. Conditions had become so desperate that Gideon was threshing grain in
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. 2 Corinthians 4:8-10 The Christian faith walk
A Different (and hope-full) Take on Life’s Difficult Seasons Read More »
Written by Kat W. We have free will and live in a fallen and broken world. That is why we have temptations, sin, sickness, death, heartbreak, etc. I’ve been in a season of struggle, a struggle of belief and focus on what’s the truth. I felt lost in the sense if what I’m doing and
God’s plan for us is that we move from glory to glory, according to 2 Corinthians 3:18. As we grow and mature, God will move us into new assignments, or promote us. There are keys to divine promotion. David is an example of a man who was promoted. David was the youngest child to Jesse,
Today, people everywhere are struggling through life with damaged emotions and broken hearts. They’ve endured a lot of negative things, causing untold damage that needs to be dealt with. But too often, these hurts are simply swept under the rug in an attempt to make them go away. Through my own life experiences, and from
Is it possible to heal from childhood sexual abuse? Read More »