
Does God still love me if I’ve had an abortion or I’m contemplating it?

 Abortion is on the forefront of the news these days. There is a battle that is raging for the lives of the next generations. Satan is deceiving many and causing people to reject children that have been created and are growing in the wombs of women. Abortion is not the removal of tissue. It is the ending of life.

There are many potential challenges that arise with an unplanned child. Fear can come in and tell us that we will not be able to care for this child. There may be fear of lack of provision. There may be fear of being a poor parent. There are many assaults in our mind that come from the kingdom of darkness. You see, every child is made with a purpose. Psalm 139 tells us that God saw us as we were being formed, and that He made every delicate, inner part of us. How then, can we believe that destroying what God created is righteous? Maybe we know it isn’t right and want to bow to those fears that the enemy has whispered to us. The devil wants to stop God’s purpose from being birthed in the earth. Just like when Moses was born, the enemy wants to destroy the children.

If you have had an abortion, know that what you did was wrong in the sight of God. BUT also know that He will forgive you. God is merciful! Even in our sin, our mistakes, our pain, our guilt, He is ready to welcome you into his redemptive love with open arms.

How do you do that? First, talk to him honestly. He already knows everything but He desires to have a relationship with you. Second, repent of your actions. All have sinned and fall short; no follower of Jesus has received salvation without acknowledging that we have messed up, and that it is only by the love and mercy of a gracious God that we can be in right standing before him through Jesus. No one who has had an abortion is unaffected by this terrible act. You will also need to heal, not only physically but emotionally. Allow yourself time to grieve and heal. God is faithful to see you through this process.

If you are considering an abortion, please stop and seek God. He promises to help you. Isaiah 41:10 tells us, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” He is an ever-present God. His promises are true and alive. Call out to him now. Ask Him to fill you with His love for the child that you are carrying. Ask Him to show you the purpose for your life and your child’s life.

Get in contact with a Crisis Pregnancy Center for support and to see all the options; abortion is not the only option. You will not regret choosing life.

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