
God is Your Peace

Written by Kat W.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Simply tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Only then will you experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your heart and mind as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)

If you feel overwhelmed or confused about a decision that you’re trying to make, you’re probably caught up in your own thoughts and not God’s voice. We tend to choose lies over truth, that’s just our fallen nature. The Bible says, “God is not a God of disorder but of peace” (1 Corinthians 14:33). He is not the author of confusion. So if you’re feeling confused, guess what? It’s not God’s voice speaking in your life.

Last week I wrote on choices and most of the choices we have to make as believers. One and probably the most important choice we have to make in our walk is the choice of obedience towards God. There’s always peace when you say “yes” to what God’s asking you to do. If you are saying “no” to the things God has called and asked you to do for His glory, try taking a step back and ask if you have true peace in your life.

Satan wants to drive you compulsively, but God wants to draw you compassionately. Satan wants to take advantage of your compulsions and use them to drive your life into deep sin. But God is your Good Shepherd. He wants to draw you in toward Himself and give you complete true peace.

What does the Bible say about Fear & Anxiety? Read HERE and BE FREE! 

Just like how it takes signals to operate a television network, we also get “spiritual” signals. And like a TV, we have a choice to pick a certain channel. The question is “What channel are you on?” “What voice are you listening to?” If all you ever hear from God is negative messages, then something’s wrong. The signals have been crossed.

You can’t pay full attention to two shows at the same time on one TV screen, and you can’t listen to God and the enemy at the same time. You must choose who to listen to. If you feel like God’s told you to do something but you have increasing anxiety because of it, something’s not right. I encourage you to pray and ask God to speak to you and into that specific situation.

If you are overwhelmed and maybe even controlled by anxiety today, and things aren’t working out the way you would like, you have a choice to make. You can either worry and wonder if it’s all going to fall apart, or you can choose to have faith and trust God.

Invite the Prince of Peace to move on your behalf TODAY! Download our Prayer Guide.

We all struggle with and anxiety and worry in different ways. Some people sweat, some people yell, some people get really quiet. Do you tend to dwell on problems? Do you feel insecure about the future? Do you feel out of touch with God? Do you have physical symptoms of headaches, biting your nails, backaches, or a nervous stomach? Do you find it hard to accept defeat or failure? Do you feel burned out? Do you find loose ends difficult? Do you constantly replay events in your mind? These are all signs of worry and anxiety.

We like to think that worry works for us. It reminds us what needs to get done or it motivates us to get to the next step. But the truth of the matter is this; worry works on us, it doesn’t work for us. It will steal life and create relational difficulties. Until we get something that works better than worry, we are going to keep worrying.

How do you let go of anxiety? This week I want you to look at the story in Matthew 8 where Jesus addresses the issue of anxiety and how to deal with it. And you will see how to address reality with faith.

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