The Passover Sacrifice – January 25

Today’s devotional is on Exodus 12:24-27 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.
Today’s devotional is on Exodus 12:24-27 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.
Today’s devotional is on Luke 23:34 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.
Today’s devotional is on Matthew 18:21, 22 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.
How Many Times Would You Like To Be Forgiven? – October 8 Read More »
The weapons we fight with may not be physical guns, swords, or bombs, but through the mighty power of God, they are Weapons of Mass Destruction and Deliverance. The Word of God is our Spiritual sword in Ephesians 6:17. It is quick, powerful, and sharper than any other sword. God’s Word can be life and
“I loathe my own life; I will give full vent to my complaint; I will speak in the bitterness of my soul.”-Job 10:1 The story of Job has always spoken great volumes to me. There were seasons of my life that I struggled with bitterness towards God. I didn’t understand the bigger picture of God’s
Do you sometimes feel like you are less than enough? My dear friend, I hope this resonates with you today. You are God’s creation; He made you exactly how He wanted to. You are not lacking. You were dreamed up and made uniquely with characteristics all your own. We always hear “comparison is the thief
Read: Judges 6:1-16 Anyone who’s struggled with fear and anxiety understands the difficulty of overcoming these emotions. Gideon was a man who experienced great apprehension because he lived when Israel was being oppressed by the Midianites as a result of their rebellion against God. Conditions had become so desperate that Gideon was threshing grain in
Through Him we are made CHAMPIONS! Jesus is a champion, a conqueror. He has victory over sin, He conquered death, hell and the grave. He is a champion for our salvation. The enemy targets you in the areas you have the most calling! As a champion through Christ you can prevail in these areas and
Rejection is a spirit or feeling that almost everyone has been affected by in their lives. It is a predictable and common tactic of the devil to use this spirit to undermine and assault people to cause them to limp through life with a skewed perspective, believing that they don’t belong. Rejection causes us to
Today, people everywhere are struggling through life with damaged emotions and broken hearts. They’ve endured a lot of negative things, causing untold damage that needs to be dealt with. But too often, these hurts are simply swept under the rug in an attempt to make them go away. Through my own life experiences, and from
Is it possible to heal from childhood sexual abuse? Read More »
Shame is an insidious liar, hiding in memories and early foundational messages sent to us by our enemy even as children. Shame whispers to us that we are a mistake, without value, marred and damaged property. This message can derail us from reaching our fullest potential and from walking in true freedom. God’s intent for
Shame and Self-Contempt: Embracing God’s View of Me Instead of the Lies Read More »
It’s Time for Your New Beginning! Salvation is a fresh start to anyone who will receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Jesus came down from Heaven, in the form of Man, taught us the ways of Heaven, died on a Cross for our sins, and then rose again on the 3rd day. It’s amazing,