Congratulations on your new life! The first thing I think of when it comes to receiving your salvation is death to life. Jesus literally took our place on the cross, He paid the price for our sins, so that we may have life through Him! So again, Congratulations and welcome to the family!
With this new beginning comes a lot of new gifts. Salvation comes with a new relationship with God, a new purpose, a new family, a new citizenship, and a new journey. Today, I wanted to encourage you with a guide to help you with this new beginning.
1. Prayer
In the first chapter of 1 Thessalonians, Paul prayed for his disciples, confident that God was going to complete the work He started in them. Throughout the gospels, Jesus also prayed for His disciples.
In the same way, it is important for us to pray everyday, trusting God to work in our lives. Praying shows God that we trust in Him. It also allows us to communicate with God.
2. The Word of God
In the second chapter of 1 Thessalonians, Paul mentions that he shared the Word of God with them. It is essential for believers to learn how to read the Bible and listen to God from His Word. We know from experience that we grow in our faith by consistently studying the Bible and spending time with Him. God’s Word is our spiritual food, and we can’t live without it.
3. Building a loving relationship
In addition to teaching spiritual things, we must also share our lives with other believers, being open and honest about the good and bad as well as what God is teaching us. Get together and do fun things. Go shopping, play video games or go out to lunch. It can be fun to be a Christian!
As believers we need to be loving, nurturing, encouraging, and being accountable in all things.
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4. Don’t forget the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit’s role is essential! Help other believers understand who the Holy Spirit is and what it means to walk in the Spirit, not in their own flesh. If we try to live the Christian life on our own, we will just fall away. I encourage you to trust in the leading of the Holy Spirit.